Saturday, September 26, 2009

Who am I and Why is this?

I am a restless Indian. I am a sincere journalist. I love my beautiful country because it waged a relentless battle for freedom. At a time when other big countries were relishing the fruits of new technological inventions, my country was at war. My countrymen were giving up their lives to get emancipated from the clutches of British Raj. We remained victorious. I trust victory embraces the brave.

Though we have umpteen maladies in our system, we are racing towards perfection. We might have missed the industrial revolution but the world is watching us with awe when our brainy chaps were developing computers. We found water on moon in a latest mission. It doesn’t mean that I am a jingoist. I am a peace-lover and I am a fan of Fidel Castro. I believe the following John Lennon’s lines.

“Imagine there’s no countries

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people living life in peace..”

“Imagine no possessions

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people sharing all the world.”

I am upset with the sea change in human psychology and behavior. The world is shrinking so is our heart. I am unable to find a bunch of people who don’t tell lies. The world is running on bundles of lies. People derive pleasure in troubling others. They want to exploit others in all available forms. I am not happy with this. Corruption and religion are ruining many nations. I hate this.

I worked as a journalist for many years but I couldn’t bring in any change because my bosses were asses. I couldn’t put my best due to lack of encouragement. I am spotless throughout my career and at a point of time I’ve realized that I am a misfit in the profession.

My heart says that I should share my musings, thoughts and ideas with the world as there is no point in suffering inside. I will try to present my inner conscience with others for a cause. Now on it’s a humble attempt to expose evil, encourage good and share experiences. Let us march forward…